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Monday, April 23, 2012

My favorite character

My favorite character out of these plays we read is one from a different play than my favorite she is from the play The effect of Gama Rays on man in the moon marigolds. Her name is Tillie and she is the sweetest most optimistic girl. She had a pretty lousy life but she always found good in everything or at least looked on the positive bright side of things. I like that kind of a person and I am very envious of her for keeping this mind set.

Photo from: Lucid Stage

My favorite play

I think that my favorite play that we have read this year would have to be All My Son's. Although it is a very sad book and somewhat depressing I really liked how it was more of a book you have to think about to understand. If you don't pay close attention to certain ways that things are said for example or the things the little details of the play you will certainly not get the same meaning out of the book. You especially won't get the meaning that the author was intending.

Photo From: Classic English Literature Notes